Sunday, 14 February 2010

BNP brutality against the press !

Only 24 hours earlier senior BNP officials have been involved in rioting and thnuggery in germany , Today they yet again show their true colours at the impromptu agm called to allow ethnic people into the party .
The allowance of ethnic people has only been allowed due to the fact of a mass departure of paying members and the banning of new members until the EHRC decides if this leopard can truly change its spots .
However, the party’s democratic credentials were called into question when a reporter from The Times was bundled out of a press conference shortly before Nick Griffin, the BNP leader, was due to speak. A party official objected to a profile which had appeared in the newspaper at the weekend.

The Times had been invited by Simon Darby, the party's press officer, with other media, to hear Mr Griffin describe the constitutional changes.

However Richard Barmbrook, a local councillor and a member of the London Assembly, who was upset by an article about him in The Times on Saturday, said that the newspaper was unwelcome inside the Elm Park pub in Hornchurch, where the meeting took place.

After The Times tried to explain that the newspaper had been officially invited into the building, the BNP's security staff lifted and shoved its reporter out of the building, grabbing his nose. A punch was also thrown by security staff and the reporter was flung at a parked car outside.
All The TImes had done was print actual truths from the event , This really does show the party in its true colours for the dictatorial thugs they truly are.
News from our insider at the AGM stated " the whole meeting was a farce ! , the only reason for letting foreigners in is to start to put lost money back into griffins back pocket , If elected then all niggers and scum will be ejected from the party and country .


  1. I was there today and it was an historic occasion but one which none of us wanted. To have some nigger on the equalities commission force British people to accept wogs into our party. Only 3 people voted against it as we knew it was a legal battle we could not win and we are more interested in winning the war to keep our country for our people

  2. BNP members would never use the N word on line.
