Thursday, 18 March 2010

ALEXA never Lies unlike Simon Bennett

Yet again we see the lies about how well the bnp website is doing from its incompetant amateur webliar simon Bennett.
The stats are still well below average and well below what you would see if there actually was the 10000 members they claimed since the lifting of the membership ban.
In fact statistics for the Join page on the bnp website is less than 500 (Takes greater than 500 to register as page counts on Alexa individual paging script.)but still the lying party has people believe in a great number of new members joining.
In fact if you look into the statistics in great detail
" is visited more frequently by males who are in the age range 18-24, are graduate school educated and browse this site " so more than likely people visiting the site to expose them rather than join.
People do not stay on the site for too long Either , maybe to the fact that the incompetant that designed and maintains it has it running 84% slower than an amateur designed average size site.
Other underhanded tricks have been to put postings out on various blogs etc claiming " a friend of a friend works at the bnp offices and the call centre is flooded with calls from new members everyday " We know otherwise and know the persons responsible for such a blatant lie , The truth of the fact is more and more members everyday are saying enough is enough of the constant begging and dictatorship by the area organisers.
So there we have it folks , The party that thinks people wont notice LIES and these ones they Can't cover up.


  1. The 7,000 potential new members didn't go through the join page, you fool. The party received their details months ago via telephone enquiries.

    What a stupid little blog this is, but not as stupid as the author.

  2. "Michael Wood said...
    The 7,000 potential new members didn't go through the join page, you fool. The party received their details months ago via telephone enquiries.

    What a stupid little blog this is, but not as stupid as the author."

    Your the stupid fool Mickey boy , lets just say our contact at the call centre knows otherwise , you seem to be getting brainwashed by the truth at the top so you should fit in well as an Arsewipe.
